Come one come all !
It’s almost that time of year again , where the entire print , and integrated marketing community, print geeks, bibliophiles, paper addicts and print enthusiasts come together for the #print lovefest that is International Print Day.
When is it ? Are you ready ? What will you do? How does it work ?
Any why the hell are we celebrating print on social media anyway ?
Here’s the snapshot details
When : October 19th 2016
What : Social Media love fest , real life celebration of Print , Integrated Marketing , Graphic Design.
How : Share your wins, your work, your clients on the social media channel of your choice using #IPD16 and #printsmart hashtags.
Are you ready ?
Well, can’t speak for everyone, but I do know that here at Dolphin, we are definitely ready, and so excited , that we may even commence festivities way earlier than the official 9 am start time.
What will you do ?
That is entirely up to you , however you decide to celebrate it , please make sure you go onto social media at least once and send an update using the IPD hashtags
Are there other resources ?
YES! If you wish to actually Print something to celebrate Print (Duh!) – there is an official logo, which you can use.
You can download the official logo below , we have 3 formats available(See Below) , courtesy for a second year in a row from the fabulous and amazing James Morse from Allied Printing


Lastly – if you still don’t believe me about how big of a deal this Print Day melarky is — check out the official IPD website at or this fantastic Interview with Printing Impressions with Deborah Corn, the Queen of the Printerverse in person. [full disclosure, Deb does mention me by name, and my ego just can’t handle the extra attention ;)]